Sunday, February 1, 2015

Chapter 20

Good Morning,

Hope everyone are planning on having a great Super Bowl Sunday—perhaps even do a little partying?  We will be staying home out of the wet cold (like we had so many invites).  Considering this winter, I’m very thankful we don’t have 3 feet of snow (or more) and our electricity, gas and other items that have spoiled us rotten are still spoiling us rotten. Just a few hours of no electricity really did about drive us insane this last time it went out.

Now, back to the Super Bowl!  We really don’t care who wins.  Jerry is waiting for the Cowboys to make a comeback, and well, I can’t narrow it down to just one team as my favorite.  I like several, including the Green Bay Packers, Pittsburgh Steelers, Baltimore Ravens and Kansas City Chiefs.  So, since none of our teams are in this year, we’ll be cheering for offense, and if the score is 77 to 70, we will be really happy.  :-)

Tomorrow is Groundhog Day, and around here, he almost always sees his shadow.  So, I don’t imagine we’ll see spring until after it has sprung. 

I really don’t have much to say.  I’m trying to keep from having an intense pity party for myself.  I know that can (and probably will) bring on another bout of the blues.  My latest round of doctor appointments start again this week.  Then another one the week after while saving the best for in March, which includes another MRI, and another trip to St. Louis.  Gotta luv it !!!
