Good Morning !!!
Goodness, is it just me or has this summer just flown by? I
just noticed that this is the last of July!
The medical madness has started again. I have a new G.I.
doctor here in Springfield, and it is exhausting trying to get this new (to me)
doctor trained. I go to St. Louis every 6 months, and the docs there want
a MRI and sometimes an ultrasound. It is so much easier on me and my poor
sister, who drives me there and back, to have those tests done here and
take the radiologist’s reading and the actual films on a disk to my
liver specialist. If, for some reason, I can’t get them done here, I
would need to get to St. Louis at around 6 a.m. to have the tests done
there, which would mean having to leave here around 2 a.m. to get there on
time. That is just too early for any of us to be in a good mood.
I had the ultrasound last Friday, and I am scheduled to have
the MRI tomorrow morning.
Yes, I have a new doctor. My old doctor packed everything up
and moved back to Columbia, MO. Just when I got him trained right! Tee hee.
I met him once, just minutes before he did an upper GI on me.
Several days later, I called and talked with his nurse about scheduling
the ultrasound and MRI. She kindly pointed out that my new doctor does
things a little different. It took over a week before he finally ordered
the tests. Guess I’ll have to really start his training in November, with
my first appointment with him.
After yesterday’s ultrasound, Mama and I went shopping. We
went to some stores I hadn’t been to in years. We bought a few things,
and we had to go to Golden Corral. We have all our dinners out there.
That’s the only place to eat according to mom. Once in a while,
she’ll eat at an Asian buffet, but that’s rare. Birthdays, good news, bad
news, if there’s an occasion, that’s where you’ll find us. With my body
retaining fluid it makes it awful to try to walk the length of the food bar
without problems. I just don’t seem to be able to get through to
her how so very hard this is on me.
I rarely say no to her demands. She was born during the
Great Depression, and has worked so very hard all her life. So, I figure that if she has the money and wants something, she
should get it. Although, I do argue with her if she wants to buy
anything that will need any “fixin.” If it’s a garment that needs hemming
up, for example, my talented sister will take it home with good intentions, but then it disappears and we never see it again. Come to think of it, that is actually a GOOD thing! Her favorite is to buy, buy, buy.
If one is good, 10 are better. Gotta love her!!! Guess I’d
better get back in my chair.
Have a great weekend!